We offer

  • Technical consulting
  • Complete planning and system design
  • Delivery, installation and customer service

 of electronics and electronic systems specially

  • Intrusion Alarm Systems (IAS)
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) – Security camera systems
  • Access Control Systems (ACS), audio and video intercom systems
  • Customer-tailored special electronic design and development

 We implement

  • Small-size home systems
  • Medium-size systems (for multi-storey apartment blocks and business centers)
  • Systems for industrial buildings and shops
  • Systems for institutions with special security requirements

Your advantage

We offer integrated building electronic security solutions, with mutually cooperating subsystems, which will meet your highest requirements. The delivered systems are flexible – their behavior can be adapted to the new requirements (e.g. by changes in the building use).

Our company leaders have long-year experience in the field of security systems. We offer services on the highest professional level.

It is about your security – therefore quality and reliability are the most important characteristics of these systems, we design and deliver only systems, which meet the highest criteria.

We are ready any time to consult you and analyze your requirements. If any questions, please contact us.